Moments of Magic

Provided by Nature - Caught in time by Photographer Andreas Hemb

Going through many styles I’ve been drawn more and more into wildlife and bird photography. To slowly become one with nature so that you can share and observe the subjects life without disturbing them is a wonderful feeling. I get rewarded with so much more than just the images I take with me!

An image can contain so much more than just a reflection of our surroundings. I strive to get passed the documentary aspect of photography, an image should provide feelings!

In my images I hope to be able to project the beauty of the nature that surrounds us and the living friends we share our world with. To get the observer to become one with the seen and get them to share the feeling I felt while experiencing these moments of magic in person.

This is what categorize a truly successful image!

Photography Awards

Sony World Photography Awards 2018

Shortlisted in Categori Motion in competition with 139 000 images from photographers from 200 countries

Sony World Photography Awards 2017

My image Buffaloes and Stars got shared second place in Category Wildlife in competition with over 109 000 other images from photographers from 180 countries

Golden Turtle Awards 2017

Five images awarded and included in exhibition in competition with vover 11000 other in this wildlife photography competition which is one of the largest in Europe

Bird Photographer of The Year 2018

Shortlisted in category Birds in Flight with my image 'Angels in the sky'

Swedish National Awards 2017

Winner of Swedish National Award with my image 'Buffaloes and Stars'

Fotosidan Masters 2017

Overall Winner of category Nature in one of the biggest competitions in Sweden